Publications 2018-2022
- “Dr. Shrikant Mapari, Dr.Navendu Chaudhary”,(2022),Identification of Inorganic Chemical Formulas based on Support Vector Machine and SURF KeyPoint Descriptor, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, ISSN (2210-142X),University of Bahrain Scientific Journals
- “Dr. Jatinderkumar R. Saini, Chomal V.S., Hema Gaikwad, Kotecha K”,(2022),4PCDT: A Quantifiable Parameter-based Framework for Academic Software Project Management, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, ISSN : 2156-5570,SAI
- “Dr.Sarika Sharma, Dr. Jatinderkumar R. Saini”,(2022),”On the Role of Teachers’ Acceptance, Continuance Intention and Self-Efficacy in the Use of Digital Technologies in teaching Practices”, Journal of Further and Higher Education,ISSN:1469-9486,Taylor and Francis
- “Sonica Rautela, Dr.Sarika Sharma”,(2022),Fear of missing out (FOMO) to the joy of missing out (JOMO): shifting dunes of problematic usage of the internet among social media users, “Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society”,1477-996X,Emerald
- “Sarika Sharma, Anagha Vaidya, Kumari Deepika”,(2022),Effectiveness and satisfaction of technology mediated learning during COVID-19 crisis: Understanding the role of pre-developed videos, On the Horizon,1074-8121,Emerald
- “Gayatri Venugopal, Dhanya Pramod, Jatinderkumar R. Saini”,(2022),Revisiting the Role of Classical Readability Formulae Parameters in Complex Word Identification (Part 2),Computer Science Journal of Moldova,1561-4042,Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of Moldova
- “Jatinderkumar R. Saini,Ketan Kotecha,Hema Gaikwad”,(2022), DBTechVoc: A POS-tagged Vocabulary of Tokens and Lemmata of the Databases Technical Domain, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA),,SAI
- “Yashoda Barve, Jatinderkumar R. Saini, Ketan Kotecha, Hema Gaikwad”,(2022),”Detecting and Fact-checking Misinformation using “”Veracity Scanning Model”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA),,SAI
- “Shreya Virani, Sarika Sharma, Poornima Tapas”,(2022),Factors influencing the start-up intentions of urban women in India: a theory of planned behaviour based approach, “World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sust. Development”,1746-0581, Inderscience
- “Veeramuthu A., Meenakshi S., Mathivanan R., Kotecha K., Saini J.R., Varadarajan V., Subramaniyaswamy V., “,(2022),”””MRI Brain Tumor Image Classification using a Combined Feature and Image based Classifier (CFIC)””, “,Frontiers in Psychology,,
- “Raulji J., Saini J.R., Pal K., Kotecha K.”,(2022),A Novel Framework for Sanskrit-Gujarati Symbolic Machine Translation System, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,2158-107X,”The SAI Organization, Bradford, UK”
- “Modh J.C., Saini J.R., Kotecha K.”,(2022),A Novel Morphological Analysis based Approach for Dynamic Detection of Inflected Gujarati Idioms, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,2158-107X,”The SAI Organization, Bradford, UK”
- “Rajalakshmi E., Elakkiya R., Prikhodko A.L., Grif M.G., Bakaev M.A., Saini J.R., Kotecha K.V., Subramaniyaswamy V.”,(2022),Static and Dynamic Isolated Indian and Russian Sign Language Recognition with Spatial and Temporal Feature Detection using Hybrid Neural Network, ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing,2375-4699,”ACM, New York, USA”
- “Barve Y., Saini J.R., Pal K., Kotecha K.”,(2022),A Novel Evolving Sentimental Bag-of-Words Approach for Feature Extraction to Detect Misinformation,International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,2158-107X,”The SAI Organization, Bradford, UK”
- “Tailor J.H., Rakholia R., Saini J.R., Kotecha K.”,(2022),Deep Learning Approach for Spoken Digit Recognition in Gujarati Language, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,2158-107X,”The SAI Organization, Bradford, UK”
- “Atiya Khan, Amol D. Vibhute, Shankar Mali, C.H. Patil”,(2022),A systematic review on hyperspectral imaging technology with a machine and deep learning methodology for agricultural applications, “Ecological Informatics, Elsevier”,1574-9541,Elsevier B.V.
- “Pramod, D., & Bafna, P.. Conversational Recommender Systems Techniques, Tools, Acceptance, and Adoption: A State of the Art Review. Expert Systems with Applications, “,(2022),”Conversational Recommender Systems Techniques, Tools, Acceptance, and Adoption: A State of the Art Review.”,Expert Systems with Applications,0957-4174,Elsevier
- “Natarajan S., Vairavasundaram S., Kotecha K., Indragandhi V., Palani S., Saini J.R., Ravi L.”,(2022),CD-SemMF: Cross-Domain Semantic Relatedness Based Matrix Factorization Model Enabled with Linked Open Data for User Cold Start Issue, IEEE Access,, IEEE
- “Modh J.C., Saini J.R., Kotecha K.”,(2022),A Novel Readability Complexity Score for Gujarati Idiomatic Text, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,, “The SAI Organization, Bradford, UK”
- “Rashmi Y Lad, P S Metkewar”,(2022),”CORELATION STUDY OF HUMAN COGNITION, BEHAVIOUR, EMOTIONS AND MENTAL DISORDER FROM NEUROIMAGING TECHNIQUES”, Journal of Positive School Psychology,2717-7564,ASR Research India
- “Prashant Chaudhary, Sarika Sharma”,(2022),Private Label Fashion Brands: Through the Lens of Masstige Marketing Theory, Indian Journal of Marketing ,0973-8703,Associated Management Consultants
- “Maheswari V.U., Aluvalu R., Kantipudi M.V.V.P., Chennam K.K., Kotecha K., Saini J.R.”,(2022),Driver Drowsiness Prediction Based on Multiple Aspects Using Image Processing Techniques, IEEE Access,, “IEEE, USA”
- “Kotecha K., Sasikumar A., Ravi L., Saini J.R., Varadarajan V., Subramaniyaswamy V.”,(2022),Sustainable Smart Industry: A Secure and Energy Efficient Consensus Mechanism for Artificial Intelligence enabled Industrial Internet of Things,Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience,,”Hindawi, UK”
- “Rakholia R.M., Tailor J., Saini J.R., Kaur J., Pahuja H.”,(2022),Groundnuts Leaf Disease Recognition using Neural Network with Progressive Resizing, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,, “The SAI Organization, Bradford, UK”
- “Sonica Rautela, Sarika Sharma,Shreya Virani”,(2022),Learner-learner interactions in online classes during COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating role of social media in the higher education context, Interactive Learning Environments,1744-5191,Taylor and Francis
- “Sarika Sharma, Jatinderkumar R. Saini, Shreya Virani”,(2022),Technology enabled work from home during COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study of employee experiences and effectiveness, Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health,1555-5259,Taylor and Francis
- “Audichya M.A., Saini J.R., Modh J.C.”,(2022),Towards a Richer IndoWordNet with New Additions for Hindi and Gujarati Languages, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,2158-107X,”The SAI, Bradford, UK”
- “SV Gaikwad, AD Vibhute, KV Kale”,(2022),”Assessing Meteorological Drought and Detecting LULC Dynamics at a Regional Scale Using SPI, NDVI, and Random Forest Methods”, SN Computer Science, Electronic ISSN 2661-8907,Spriger Nature
- “Saini J.R., Vaz C.”,(2022),A Novel Weighted Hybrid Recommendation System using Sharpe Ratio for a Profitable Diversified Investment Portfolio,,2587-5671,”The Financial University, Govt. of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia”
- “Mahapatro P.S., Saini J.R.”,(2022),”An Efficient Computational Method of Motif Finding in the Zika Virus Genome, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 13(10)”
- “Gauri Vaidya, Vidya Kumbhar, Sachin Naik and Vijayatai Hukare, “,(2022), Analyzing the State of Mind of Self-quarantined People during COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Period: A Multiple Correspondence Analysis Approach, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,, “The SAI Organization, Bradford, UK”
- “Apte, T., Kulkarni, P. “,(2022),Network Communication Encoding: A Study for Authentication Protocols., SN Computer Science, ISSN: 2661-8907,Springer Nature Comp Sci
- “Mahajan S., Patil S., Bhavnagri M., Singh R., Kalra K., Saini B., Kotecha K., Saini J.R.”,(2022),Performance Analysis of Reinforcement Learning Techniques for Augmented Experience Training using Generative Adversarial Networks, Applied Sciences,2076-3417,”MDPI, Basel, Switzerland”
- “Gunjan Behl, Deepali Shahane, Baljeet Kaur, Shambhu Rai”,(2022),Generic Adaptive Emergency Agile Model for Health care and Pharmaceuticals in crisis situation, JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL NEGATIVE RESULTS,”ISSN: Print -0976-9234, Online – 2229-7723″,Medknow Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd.
- “Archana Mullapudi, Amol D. Vibhute, Shankar Mali, and Chandrashekhar H. Patil”,(2022),”A review of agricultural drought assessment with remote sensing data: methods, issues, challenges and opportunities”, Applied Geomatics,1866-928X,Springer Nature
- “Dr. Jatinderkumar R. Saini, Prafulla B Bafna”, (2022), MaTop: An Evaluative Topic Model for Marathi, International Conference on Sustainable Computing (SUSCOM-2021), ISSN 2194-5365, Springer-Verlag
- “Anant Katyayan, Anuja Bokhare, Rajat Gupta, Sushmita Kumari, Twinkle Pardeshi”, (2022), Analysis of Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques for Customer Segmentation, “Machine Learning and Autonomous Systems. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies”, ISBN-online: 978-981-16-7996-4,”Springer, Singapore”
- “Harshvardhan Gaikwad, Hema Gaikwad”,(2022),Application of an Expert system for Reverse Parking Sensor in an Electrical Vehicle, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision (AIMV),ISBN-978-1-6654-4211-4 (online) & 978-1-6654-4212-1(Print),IEEE
- “Dr. Dipali Meher, Dr. Baljeet Kaur, Alaknanda Pawar and Sheetal Parekh”,(2022),”””Databases for Machine Learning: A Journey From SQL to NOSQL”””, “The International Conference on “Recent Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Machine Learning (RAMMML-2022)””,,
- “Hema Gaikwad, Harshvardhan Gaikwad, Dr. Jatinderkumar R. Saini “,(2022),Open Research Issues of Battery Usage for Electric Vehicles,6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS 2022),978-981-19-3574-9,Springer
- “Sinha P., Bafna P.B., Saini J.R.”,(2022),Hindi Speech-based Healthcare Chatbot,”5th International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics (SCI-2021), Hyderabad, India; SIST, Springer”,2190-3026,Springer
- “Kaur J., Saini J.R.”,(2022),Deep Learning and Super-hybrid Textual Feature based Multi-category Thematic Classifier for Punjabi Poetry,”7th International Conference on Computing in Engineering & Technology (ICCET-2022), Lonere, India; SIST, Springer”, ,Springer
- “Gayatri Venugopal, Dhanya Pramod, Ravi Shekhar”,(2022),CWID-hi: A Dataset for Complex Word Identification in Hindi Text, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022),,European Language Resources Association (ELRA)
- “Karale S., Saini J.R.”,(2022),”Usage of Parallelization Techniques for Video Summarisation: State-of-the-art, Open Issues, and Future Research Avenues”, “IEEE 7th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT-2022), Pune, India”,978-1-6654-2168-3,”IEEE, USA”
- “Modh J.C., Saini J.R.”,(2022),A Novel Hybrid Translator for Gujarati to Interlingual English MTS for Personage Idioms,”6th International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications (SmartCom-2021), Jaipur, India”,2367-3370,”LNNS, Springer, UK”
- “Rajadhyaksha C., Saini J.R.”,(2022),Robotic Process Automation for Software Project Management,”IEEE 7th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT-2022), Pune, India”,978-1-6654-2168-3,”IEEE, USA”
- “Desai P., Saini J.R., Bafna P.B.”,(2022),POS-based Classification and Derivation of Kannada Stop-words using English Parallel Corpus, “IEEE 3rd International Conference of Emerging Technologies (INCET-2022), Belagavi, India”,978-1-6654-9499-1,”IEEE, USA”
- “Oza, A., Bokhare, A”,(2022),Diabetes Prediction Using Logistic Regression and K-Nearest Neighbor.,2nd Congress on Intelligent Systems (CIS 2021),978-981-16-9113-3_30,Springer
- “Kulkarni, R., Bokhare, A”,(2022),Linear Regression for Car Sales Prediction in Indian Automobile Industry,2nd Congress on Intelligent Systems (CIS 2021),978-981-16-9113-3_30,Springer
- “Anagha Vaidya, Vipin Tyagi, Sarika Sharma”,(2022),FRAMS: Facial Recognition Attendance Management System, Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences (ICACDS)-2022 ,978-3-031-12637-6,Springer
- “Pahuja H., Saini J.R., Kotecha K., Rakholia R., Tailor J.”,(2022),A Novel Analysis of Readability Indices of MOOC Transcripts for e-Learner Retainment, “IEEE sponsored 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT-2022), Hubballi, India”,10.1109/CONIT55038.2022.9847733,IEEE C. H. Patil; Nakia Lightwala; Mehul Sherdiwala; Amol D. Vibhute; Sachin A Naik; Shankar M. Mali,(2022),An IoT based Smart Medicine Dispenser Model for Healthcare,”2022 IEEE World Conference on Applied Intelligence and Computing (AIC), 2022″,Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7988-2,IEEE
- “Raj V.N., Saini J.R.”,(2022),Loyalty Score Generation for Customers using Sentimental Analysis of Reviews in e-commerce,,2367-3370,”LNNS, Springer, UK”
- “Bafna P.B., Saini J.R.”,(2022),Topic Identification and Prediction using Sanskrit Hysynset,”Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems,”,2367-3370,”LNNS, Springer, UK”
- “Kumar S., Saini J.R., Bafna P.B”,(2022),”Identification of Malayalam Stop-words, Stop-stems and Stop-lemmas using NLP, proc. of 6th International Conference on ICT for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS-2022), Ahmedabad, India”, “proc. of 6th International Conference on ICT for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS-2022), Ahmedabad, India”,”312: 341-350,”,”Springer, Singapore”
- “Bafna P.B., Saini J.R”,(2022),”A Novel Hysynset Based Topic Modelling Approach for Marathi Language, proc. of 6th International Conference on ICT for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS-2022), Ahmedabad, India”, “proc. of 6th International Conference on ICT for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS-2022), Ahmedabad, India”,312: 329-340,”Springer, Singapore”
- “Samak A.R., Bafna P.B., Saini J.R.”,(2022),”A Novel Marathi Speech-based Question and Answer Chatbot for the Educational Domain, proc. of 6th International Conference on ICT for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS-2022), Ahmedabad, India,”,proc. of 6th International Conference on ICT for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS-2,”311: 379-388,”,”Springer, Singapore”
- “Barve Y., Saini J.R., Kotecha K., Gaikwad H”,(2022),An Incremental Approach to Classify Healthcare URLs using a Novel ‘Web Document Classification Model’,6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS 2022),”311: 653-663, -ISSN-2190-3018-SIST”,”Springer, UK”
- “Gaikwad H., Gaikwad H., Saini J.R”,(2022),Open Research Issues of Battery Usage for Electric Vehicles,6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS 2022),”312: 765-778-ISSN -2190-3018-SIST,”,”Springer, UK” Avinash Singh Chauhan; Lekha Panikulangara; Rajashree Jain,(2022),”JAL MITRA Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting Using IoT, Cloud & Analytics”,2022 IEEE 10th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC),”Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-0156-2 Electronic ISSN: 2572-7621″,IEEE
- “Lahande, Prathamesh Vijay,Parag Ravikant Kaveri, “,(2022),Reinforcement Learning Applications for Performance Improvement in Cloud Computing—A Systematic Review,”3rd International Conference on Sustainable Advanced Computing, ICSAC 2021 “,”ISSN 18761100 ISBN 978-981169011-2”,”Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Nature “
- “Bharadwaj,Shruti, Deepika,Kumari, Dubey,Rakesh, Biswas,Susham”,(2022),Noise Prediction Using LIDAR 3D Point Data-Determination of Terrain Parameters for Modelling,ICACDS 2022,ISSN:18650929; ISBN:978-303112637-6,CCIS
- “Dr. Baser P and Dr. Jatinderkumar R. Saini “,(2022),AI-based Intelligent Solution in Legal Profession,,vol. 516,”LNNS, Springer,”
- “Prathamesh Lahande, Dr. Parag Kaveri”,(2022),Implementing FCFS and SJF for finding the need of Reinforcement Learning in Cloud Environment, Conference Proceedings,2271-2097,EDP Sciences
- Vaidya, A., & Saini, J. R. (2021). A Framework for Implementation of Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining in Traditional Learning Environment. In ICT Analysis and Applications (pp. 105-114). Springer, Singapore.
- Bokhare, A., & Metkewar, P. S. (2021). Visualization and Interpretation of Gephi and Tableau: A Comparative Study. In Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies: Select Proceedings of ICAECT 2020 (pp. 11-23). Springer Singapore
- Bharadwaj, S., Deepika, K., & Upadhyay, K. (2021). Improved biometric iris recognition using watershed transform. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1714, No. 1, p. 012035). IOP Publishing.
- Shaikh, D., Pawar, K., Kasat, D., & Deshpande, D. (2021). Job satisfaction analysis of female Employees of IT Sector working from home during the pandemic of COVID-19 using interaction effect. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(1), 2101-2108.
- Kasat, K. (2021). Tourism based advertisements in india: content analysis of themes used. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10(2), 813-823.
- SHAIKH, N., KASAT, K., & SHINDE, M. (2021). Trust among faculty and students as an essential element of Smart Education System. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(3), 1568-1574.
- Deepika, K., & Chowhan, S. (2020, April). A threat towards the neonatal mortality. In International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences (pp. 56-65). Springer, Singapore.
- Apte, T., & Saini, J. R. (2021). A Comprehensive and Critical Analysis of Cross-Domain Federated Identity Management Deployments. In ICT Systems and Sustainability (pp. 365-372). Springer, Singapore.
- Kherdekar, V. A., & Naik, S. A. (2021). Convolution Neural Network Model for Recognition of Speech for Words used in Mathematical Expression. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 4034-4042.
- A. Bokhare and P. S. Metkewar, “Visualization and Interpretation of Gephi and Tableau: A Comparative Study,” 2020 Second International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies 2020 (ICAECT 2020) Coimbatore, 2020. Vol 1. pp. 7-14
- Rashmi Y. Laad and P S Metkewar, “Bibliometric Survey on Clustering Algorithm of Machine Learning and its application”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR) Volume 9, issue 4. [Impact Factor: 7.466] for April 2020 edition ISSN 2277-8616
- P S Metkewar , Anuja Bokhare, Veer Swapnil and Anmol Mehrotra , “Analyze the Impact of Landslide using Prediction Model”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR) Volume 9, issue 3. [Impact Factor: 3.023] for March 2020
- Dhananjay S Deshpande, Pravin Metkewar, “Proposed HOTS based Knowledge Management Model for Research Community under University” in IEEE Conference – International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management – ICCAKM2020, Jan 2020, Amity University, Dubai (UAE).
- .P S Metkewar , Anuja Bokhare, Veer Swapnil and Anmol Mehrotra .(March 2020). Analyze the Impact of Landslide using Prediction Model. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR), 9(3),5670-5677.
- Bafna, P. B., & Saini, J. R. (2020). Identification of Significant Challenges Faced by the Tourism and Hospitality Industries Using Association Rules. In Data Management, Analytics and Innovation (pp. 121-129). Springer, Singapore.
- Bafna, P. B., & Saini, J. R. (2020). On Readability Metrics of Goal Statements of Universities and Brand-promoting Lexicons for Industries. Data Management, Analytics and Innovation, 1, 63.
- Bafna, P. B., & Saini, J. R. (2020). On Exhaustive Evaluation of Eager Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification of Hindi Verses. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
- Bafna, P. B., & Saini, J. R. (2020). Marathi Document: Similarity Measurement using Semantics-based Dimension Reduction Technique. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11(4).
- Bafna, P. B., & Saini, J. R. (2020, June). BaSa: A Technique to Identify Context based Common Tokens for Hindi Verses and Proses. In 2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) (pp. 1-4). IEEE
- Bafna, P., & Saini, J. R. (2020, March). Hindi Poetry Classification using Eager Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms. In 2020 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI) (pp. 175-178). IEEE.
- Saini J.R., Chomal V.S. (2020) Domain-Based Ranking of Software Test—Effort Estimation Techniques for Academic Projects. In: Tuba M., Akashe S., Joshi A. (eds) ICT Systems and Sustainability. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1077. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0936-0_5
- J. C. Modh and J. R. Saini, “Context Based MTS for Translating Gujarati Trigram and Bigram Idioms to English,” 2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/INCET49848.2020.9154112.
- Kaur, J., & Saini, J. R. (2020). Designing punjabi poetry classifiers using machine learning and different textual features. Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol., 17(1), 38-44.
- Saini, J. R., & Kaur, J. (2020). Kāvi: An Annotated Corpus of Punjabi Poetry with Emotion Detection Based on ‘Navrasa’. Procedia Computer Science, 167, 1220-1229.
- Chandrakar, O., & Saini, J. R. (2020). Knowledge-based semantic discretisation using data mining techniques. International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 17(3-4), 267-278.
- Raulji, J., & Saini, J. R. (2020). Sanskrit stopword analysis through morphological analyzer and its Gujarati equivalent for MT system. In ICT Analysis and Applications (pp. 427-433). Springer, Singapore.
- Raulji, J., & Saini, J. R. (2020). Bilingual Dictionary for Sanskrit—Gujarati MT Implementation. In ICT Analysis and Applications (pp. 463-470). Springer, Singapore.
- Saini, J. R., & Chomal, V. S. (2020). A Double-Weighted Parametric Model for Academic Software Project Effort Estimation. In ICT Analysis and Applications (pp. 31-45). Springer, Singapore.
- Saini, J. R., & Raulji, J. K. (2020). Peer Analysis of “Sanguj” with Other Sanskrit Morphological Analyzers. In Progress in Computing, Analytics and Networking (pp. 65-73). Springer, Singapore.
- Kulkarni, P., Saini, J. R., & Acharya, H. (2020). Effect of header-based features on accuracy of classifiers for spam email classification. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11(3), 396-401.
- Venugopal, G., Saini, J. R., & Dhanya, P. (2020). Novel Language Resources for Hindi: An Aesthetics Text Corpus and a Comprehensive Stop Lemma List. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11(1).
- Kulkarni, P., Saini, J. R. (2020). Creation of Bag of words using Map Reduce technique for Ham Email Classification. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,Vol. 29, No. 05, (2020), pp. 715-721
- Modh, J. C., & Saini, J. R. (2020, June). Context Based MTS for Translating Gujarati Trigram and Bigram Idioms to English. In 2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Chandrakar, O., & Saini, J. R. (2020). Knowledge-based semantic discretisation using data mining techniques. International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 17(3-4), 267-278.
- Saini, J. R., & Chomal, V. S. (2020). Domain-Based Ranking of Software Test—Effort Estimation Techniques for Academic Projects. In ICT Systems and Sustainability (pp. 53-69). Springer, Singapore.
- Saini, J. R., & Kaur, J. (2020). Kāvi: An Annotated Corpus of Punjabi Poetry with Emotion Detection Based on ‘Navrasa’. Procedia Computer Science, 167, 1220-1229.
- Saini, J. R., & Chomal, V. S. (2020). A Double-Weighted Parametric Model for Academic Software Project Effort Estimation. In ICT Analysis and Applications (pp. 31-45). Springer, Singapore.
- Kaur, J., & Saini, J. R. (2020). Designing punjabi poetry classifiers using machine learning and different textual features. Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol., 17(1), 38-44.
- Raulji, J., & Saini, J. R. (2020). Sanskrit stopword analysis through morphological analyzer and its Gujarati equivalent for MT system. In ICT Analysis and Applications (pp. 427-433). Springer, Singapore.
- Raulji, J., & Saini, J. R. (2020). Bilingual Dictionary for Sanskrit—Gujarati MT Implementation. In ICT Analysis and Applications (pp. 463-470). Springer, Singapore.
- Saini, J. R., & Raulji, J. K. (2020). Peer Analysis of “Sanguj” with Other Sanskrit Morphological Analyzers. In Progress in Computing, Analytics and Networking (pp. 65-73). Springer, Singapore.
- Vaidya, A., Munde, V., & Shirwaikar, S. (2020). Analytics on talent search examination data. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 16(1), 20-32.
- Mujumdar, S. B., Acharya, H., & Shirwaikar, S. (2020). Measuring the effectiveness of PBL through shape parameters and classification. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
- Sahasrabudhe, S., Shaikh, N., & Kasat, K. (2020). Internationalisation of higher education-Necessity to adapt to new forms of engagement for ensuring sustainability?. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 23(2), 431-444.Saini, J. R., & Naik, S. (2021). Quantification of Multimillion Offers in ‘Next-of-Kin’Unsolicited Bulk Emails. In ICT Analysis and Applications (pp. 453-465). Springer, Singapore.
- Sharma, S. and Goyal, D.P. (2020). ‘Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses: An Exploratory Study of Startup Companies in India’, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol.50, No 8-9, pp. 48-65, 2020. Doi: 10.17010/ijom/2020/v50/i8-9/154691
- Sharma S. (2020) Big Data Analytics for Customer Relationship Management: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda. In: Singh M., Gupta P., Tyagi V., Flusser J., Ören T., Valentino G. (eds) Advances in Computing and Data Sciences. ICACDS 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1244. Springer, Singapore. Pp: 430-438 Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-6634-9_39
- Sonica R., Sharma, S. and Virani, S. (2020) ‘Influence of Customer Participation in New Product Development: The Moderating Role of Social Media’, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPPM-05-2020-0241
- Virani, S., Saini, J. R. and Sharma, S. (2020) ‘Adoption of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for Blended Learning: The Indian Educators’ Perspective’, Interactive Learning Environments. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2020.1817760
- Singh, A., Sharma, S. and Paliwal, M. (2020) ‘Adoption intention and effectiveness of digital collaboration platforms (DCP) for online learning: The Indian students’ perspective’, Interactive Technology and Smart Education. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1108/ITSE-05-2020-0070
- Sharma, S. (2020) Green IT/IS for sustainable enterprise architecture: Concepts and research issues’, Our heritage Journal, Vol. 68, No. 3, pp: 203-209.
- Bafna, P. B., & Saini, J. R. (2020). On Exhaustive Evaluation of Eager Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification of Hindi Verses. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.
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