Research Grants
Dr. Rajashree Jain received a grant for the project titled ‘Education 4.0-Emerging Trends- Capacity Building Workshop’, sponsored by IEEE Communication Society- Global and IEEE Pune Section, in 2022-2023.
Dr. Rajashree Jain received a grant for the project titled ‘Affordable Agriculture(AA) labs,’ sponsored by IEEE HAC-APS, IEEE SIGHT Group, IEEE Joint Chapter on Antennas, Microwave, EMC, in 2022-2023.
Dr. Rajashree Jain received a grant for the project titled ‘Education 4.0-Role of Educational Technologies’, sponsored by IEEE Educational Activities, Asia Pacific -Region 10 and IEEE Pune Section, in 2021-2022.
Dr. Rajashree Jain received a grant for the project titled ‘Industry Forum,’ sponsored by IEEE TEMS Pune Section, in 2021-2022.
Dr. Rajashree Jain received a grant for the project titled ‘Ideate, Innovate, Startup,’ sponsored by IEEE Joint Chapter on Antennas, Microwave, EMC, and TEMS, IEEE Pune, in 2021-2022.
Dr. Rajashree Jain received a grant for the project titled ‘Affordable Agriculture(AA) labs’, sponsored by IEEE Pune Section, in 2020-2021.
Kumari Deepika and Dr. Santosh Chowhan (Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research) received a grant of Rs. 1,50,000 for the Minor Research Project titled ‘Predictive Modelling of Maternal Risk factors on Neonatal Mortality’. The project was sponsored by Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), sanctioned in March, 2020
Gayatri Venugopal (Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research) and Dr. Dhanya Pramod (Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology) received a grant of Rs. 1,50,000 for the Minor Research Project titled ‘Complex Word Identification in Hindi Sentences’. The project was sponsored by Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI), Symbiosis International (Deemed University) sanctioned in March, 2019.
Dr. Rajashree Jain (Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research) received a grant of Rs. 0.17 lakh for the project Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research (SICSR) SIGHT Group. The project was sponsored by IEEE SIGHT Group, sanctioned in 2019.
Dr. Rajashree Jain (Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research) received a grant of Rs. 0.3 lakh for the project titled ‘A study to identify opportunities, issues and challenges of high-school girls opting Science and Technology as their higher Education -A case study’. The project was sponsored by IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group, Region 10, sanctioned in 2017.
Dr. Rajashree Jain, Ms. Minal Abhyankar and Ms. Anagha Vaidya (Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research) received a grant of Rs. 1,01,000 for the Minor Research Project titled ‘Influence of Electronic-Learning Management System (e-LMS) environment on student engagement and their academic performances’. The project was sponsored by Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI), Symbiosis International (Deemed University) and completed in 2016.